Tuesday, March 31, 2009

TAPP News and Events for April

Congratulations to the $250 Spring '09 TAPP scholarship winner, Maria L. Martinez a future math teacher. Thanks to everyone who expressed an interest in the scholarship and to the committee members, Professor Bill Shute, Professor Cecilia Gabrillo, and TAPP member Anne-Marie Ratcliff. Keep an eye out for the scholarship application in Fall '09.

Wed. April 8, Meeting 1-2pm, Fiesta Room.

Wed. April 15, FunFest, 9am-2pm Mall Area, soda selling volunteers needed.

Wed. April 22, Student Life (OSL) Banquet, 6 pm Fiesta Room. 10 members that wish to attend RSVP by April 15.

Tue. April 28, End of Semester Club Recognition, 1:30. Discuss plans and ideas for a speaker at meeting on 8th.



Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting this information!

TAPPatSAC said...

You're welcome. Hope to see you at one of these events.