Thursday, September 9, 2010


Hey Existing and Potential TAAP Members-

 As you all know the start of fall 2010 has already kicked in, and so we are looking foward to hearing from yall about fulfilling the officer positions for TAPP. Were looking for members to write 5-10 sentences stating your personal, academic, and TAPP goals as nomination for your interest in holding an officer's position.
Teaching Academy Program Peers
Officer Position’s duty List

-Attend meetings and activities
-Help set annual goals for the group
-Arrange meetings and activities and prepare meeting agendas
-Conduct meetings
-Appoint and release committee chairs
-Ensure that TAAP is represented at campus or community events as needed

Vice President
-Assume the duties of the President when the latter requests or is absent
-Confirm rooms for meetings and locations for activities
-Ensure that meetings and activities are publicized

-Help advisors maintain and monitor financial records
-prepare the annual financial report
-Make deposits and withdrawals on behalf of the organization

-Record minutes of all meetings
-Maintain membership records
-Handle external correspondence (emails, announcements, etc)
-Keep members informed of group activities
-prepare the annual report with the President

Executive Assistant
-Assist the President and Vice-President in their duties as needed

If for any reason you cannot fulfill your position as an officer, please let us know so we can make arrangements for the status of that officer, Thank you!

Also, TAPP held two meetings this week in order to understand our members schedule. Our meetings were held in the student Loftin Center on Wednesday and Thursday from 1215-115, so please specify in your nomination which days work best so we come up with a set meeting schedule

Lastly, another reminder to yall about enjoying our next fundraiser event which will be the Antojitos Festival on September 22nd from 9-2. Were hoping members can volunteer anytime between those hours to keep our booth open for the festival. TAPP will be selling cokes, water, and sport drinks, so if for any reason you cant help with the event then helping with donations of these items would be a HUGE help, as well! Donations can be delivered to any of our sponsers' office located in the Gonzales Hall. Ms. Bernal, GH 209B, Ms. Coleman, GH 223C, and Ms. Gonzales, GH 131B. 

Due to deadline expectations were hoping to hear from yall about nominations as soon as possible, Monday even Tuesday if possible.  Were looking forward to hearing from yall and getting this year started, Thank you!
The direction in which education starts a man will determine his future life.

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