Friday, February 12, 2010


  • The new MESA STUDY CENTER is now open! MESA stands for Mathematics, Engineering, Science Achievement. This new study center is open to SAC students who are taking a STEM course this semester. STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. Students will benefit by meeting other students in their STEM courses, forming study groups, and engaging with student organizations such as: MAES (Society of Mexican American Engineers and Scientists)SACNAS (Society for the Advancement of Chicano/Native American Scientists)SWE (Society of Women Engineers) You are welcome to visit anytime during the open hours (Monday – Friday 7:00a.m. – 4:00 p.m.)The center is part of the Physics/Engineering/Architecture Department, and is located in Chance Academic Center room 204. HOPE TO SEE YOU SOON!
  • Cheshyre Cheese Club Coffee Night is Friday, February 19, 6:30pm – 9:30pm in Loftin Student Center. Let's share!!
  • Women of Vision Scholarship Essay Contest
    Essay Contest Purpose:In honor of Women's History month, the SAC Women’s Center invites SAC women students to explore and celebrate the histories of women by participating in our essay contest.
    The purpose of the essay contest is to honor San Antonio College women, staff, faculty and/or administrators who encourage and promote sensitivity to and awareness of issues that relate to women.
    Women Making History: Students are to choose one San Antonio College woman, staff, administrator or faculty member (members of the Department of Services for Women & Non-Traditional Students are to be excluded) and write about that woman's contribution to the college, community, city, or to the state of Texas.
    Awards: Two students will be selected to receive the $500 Women of Vision Scholarship. These two scholarship recipients as well as the two SAC staff, faculty or administrators selected for the Women of Vision Award will be honored on March 4th at 9:25 a.m. at VATC 120.
    : San Antonio College women students enrolled in 6 or more hours with a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.0 may participate
    Essays should be a minimum of 500 words, typed, and double-spaced.
    Essays must have a title. The title of your essay should be at the top of the first page. Do not put your name on the essay. Put your name on the entry form only.
    Complete an official entry form and staple to essay.
    Winners must agree to attend the awards ceremony on March 4, 9:25-10:40 a.m.
    Essays should include a persuasive explanation of:
    Why you chose to focus on a particular woman
    How this woman has inspired you or others
    How the woman has impacted and/or transformed the environment for women through her actions
    How the woman supports and advocates for women
    Essays should be well organized, with an introduction, body, and conclusion
    Essays should include specific examples
    Deadline: February 22, 2010
  • Women’s History Week (WHW) 2010 events that will take place March 1 through March 4. You may also view the schedule at the Women’s History Week website: The WHW Library Guide provides additional information about events and speakers:
  • SAC Celebrates Black History Month
    San Antonio College is celebrating Black History Month in February with a series of events that are free and open to the public. This year’s theme is The History of Black Economic Empowerment.
    Tuesday, Feb. 16, “Money Management 101,” 9:25-10:40 a.m. @ LSC Craft Room. Contact: Wynette Keller, 210-486-0480.
    Tuesday, Feb. 16, Fat Tuesday: featuring the Second Line Jazz Band, 11 a.m.- 1 p.m. @ LSC The Round. Contact Judi Clark, 210-486-0589
    Thursday, Feb. 18, Regency Jazz Band, 11 a.m.-1 p.m. @ LSC. Contact Marleen Hoover, 210-486-1035.
    Tuesday, Feb. 23, African-American Read-in, 10:50 a.m. – 12:05 p.m. @ LSC Craft Room. Contact: Janice Clayton, 210-486-0661.

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