Monday, July 6, 2009

Some Inspiration

July is here! Wow! It's hard to believe, right? Well, for those
of you who are taking summer classes, working, or relaxing, here's
a link to a motivational speaker from Dallas I.S.D. It's on youtube
and in case the link doesn't work just search for DISD Student Speaker.
I really enjoyed it. This young speaker reminded me of the reason
why I want to become a teacher. Let's not forget. Keep on going!
I hope to see you all in the fall.

Teresa Rodriguez
TAPP '08-'09 President


M.Bernal said...

I hope everyone takes a look at this great clip! Let's all of us who work with students this semester adopt this attitude!

TAPP sponsor said...

Thanks, Teresa, for posting this link! Hope your semester at A&M is off to a good start--we miss you!