Friday, February 15, 2008

Saddle Up for the Wild, Wild West Rodeo Roundup!

Saddle Up for the Wild, Wild West Rodeo Roundup!

Student Life is sponsoring a fun event on Wednesday, February 27, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., with food booths and activities (including music, a mechanical bull, and western games).

TAPP will be selling tea and sodas, and we will need volunteers to help out at this, our first fundraiser for the spring!

We need help setting up from 9 to 10 and then selling from 10 to 2.
If you can help for even one hour, we would really appreciate it!

Please let us know what shift you can volunteer for by emailing us at or by posting a comment under the post.

We will have a brief member meeting at 1:00 at the booth, so please stop by if you can.

Thanks for your support!

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