Teaching Academy Program Peers Explores careers in education - Connects with other dynamic students -Impacts SAC campus and community - Awards semi-annual scholarships - Interacts with Education professionals - Mentors Students - Informs student transfers to upper-level institutions - Attends professional conferences - Sponsors a speaker series on campus - Performs service projects - Since 1999
Friday, December 12, 2008
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Monday, November 24, 2008
Any Baby Can Locations
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Sponsor: Teaching Academy Program Peers
TAPP needs your help to fulfill a less fortunate families needs.
In December TAPP will be delivering Gifts to a very special family in need of extra help this holiday season.
HEB cards are always a good idea for perishable items or as a gift for the adults.
Monday, November 10, 2008
This week's news...
Sunday, November 2, 2008
This Month's Events
Monday, October 27, 2008
Call for Papers
is inviting papers and presentations that interpret the power of "framing".
Papers should be submitted via e-mail to Miss Laurie Coleman to lcoleman@mail.accd.edu
Papers should be 100-150 words.
Deadline: Nov. 21,2008
For more details please visit:
NISOD Essay Contest
National Institute for Staff and Organizational Development is hosting this contest.
Deadline: Dec. 1, 2008
Essay topic: Describe your most rewarding learning experience with a faculty, staff, or administrator at your community college.
Prize: $1000 scholarshio to the student author
$1000 to the faculty, staff, administrator featured in the essay
Monday, October 20, 2008
Education Debate
Mattew Mendez gave us the information to watch the Education Advisors for the Presidential Candidates. Tuesday, Oct. 21 at 4:00 PM. It will be broadcasted on edweek.org. Check it OUT!!
Lisa Graham - Edu. Advisor for McCain
Linda Darling - Edu. Advisor for Obama
The debate will be held at Columbia University, NY.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
OCTOBERFEST & Meeting Room Change
This week is SAC's Octoberfest.
Wednesday, Oct. 22nd, from 9-3 out in
mall area. Don't forget your sign-up times.
TAPP will be selling nachos.
Come out, enjoy the festivities and
buy some nachos (yum!)
**TAPP scholarship deadline is Oct. 23rd
at Ms. Bernal's office, GH 209-B
(Thursday's meeting room changed to
-GH 128 @ 12:05 p.m. -until end of semester.)
Have a great week!
TAPP President,
Teresa Rodriguez
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Meet Your Major
Here is a great opportunity to meet other students here at SAC.
We need volunteers for "Meet your Major" Wed. Nov. 5 in the Fiesta Room.
We need 4 volunteers:
Two from 10:30-11:30 at the breakfast table.
One greeter from 10:00-11:00.One greeter from 11:00-12:00.
If you plan to volunteer you will get a T-Shirt, please come and help us out.
We hope all of you can attend this event,
Sunday, October 12, 2008
*Don't forget this Thursday, Oct. 16th is our TAPP's Conference Notes
meeting. It will be at 12:15 in GH 228. Don't miss it! Bring a friend!
*Still need volunteers for Octoberfest, Oct. 22nd.
Please e-mail me at terrilovesarmando@yahoo.com with the times that
you are available. Thanks so much.
Deadline for TAPP scholarship is Oct. 23rd to be turned in at:
Ms. Bernal's office in GH 209-B.
See you all soon!
Teresa Rodriguez
TAPP President
Monday, October 6, 2008
TAPP'S October Meeting
Hey Everybody!
Just wanted to let you all know what we talked about on Thursday, Oct. 2nd.
* Oct. 16th- 12:05-1:00 p.m. in GH 228-:TAPP's Conf. Notes and Meet Your Major training.- We will be sharing what we learned at the NISOD Conference in Austin this summer.
*Oct. 22nd- Octoberfest - 8:00 a.m.-3:00p.m. We will be selling nachos again and we need some energetic and fun-loving volunteers. Please e-mail me at: terrilovesarmando@yahoo.com to let me know if you are able to help. Send me your name, time you are able to help and contact info. (Phone & e-mail if possible).
We also briefly talked about November's and December's off- campus activities. In November, we are planning to go to the Children's Shelter. Sara, our VP is the chair for that event. She will be sending out info ASAP about details (time & date) and whoever wants to go keep a look out for her e-mail.
December we have 2 projects. One is the Any Baby Can adopt a family for the holidays project. I will chair that event and I will be sending out details by the end of this month. We would also like to join forces with a project that Sara, from the P.E.O.P.L.E. Club will be doing for Christmas. They would like to send toys to needy children in Mexico and I suggested we could gather backpacks to help send the things they collect. If you are interested in heading that project please let me know by e-mailing me at the above address.
That's all for now. Enjoy your week and don't just keep your noses in the books, get some fresh air.:)
Teresa Rodriguez
TAPP President
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
What's happening??
Friday, September 26, 2008
A Great Big Thanks!
To everyone who helped at Wednesday's Antojitos Festival selling nachos. Sarah, Matthew, Melissa, Jamie, Ms. Cruz-Gonzales, Ms. Bernal, my daughter Sarah, and Ms. Cruz-Gonzales' students who were also there (sorry I didn't get your names but your help is not forgotten). And if anyone else helped when I wasn't there, thank you.
Also, thanks Ms. Coleman for sending out the message for everyone to visit our booth we had lots of hungry customers!
If you did not get a chance to help, don't worry about it . There will be lots of opportunities to
join us at future events on or off campus.
**Just a small reminder about next week's TAPP meeting. It will be at 12:05 at GH 228.Bring a sack lunch and some ideas. We'll be talking about October's events. I believe we have a busy month. Hope to see you there, if you can't make it check this blog for meeting info.
Have a terrific, restful, and fun weekend.
Teresa Rodriguez
TAPP President
Monday, September 22, 2008
Volunteers needed for Antojitos Festival
Antojitos Festival
Wednesday , September 24
Please come by and help us out in your free time.
If you are sure you want to help, please reply to tappatsac@gmail.com with the time you plan on stopping by. The event will be from 8:00 AM - 2:00 PM.
T.A.P.P participates in as many opportunities to raise funds for our Scholarship given every semester and for the different activities in which we hope all the members can benefit.
Come help us out!!!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
TAPP Scholarship FALL 08
The purpose of the TAPP scholarship is to encourage students seeking careers as teachers and to recognize their commitment and achievements related to this goal. We encourage students to apply for the TAPP scholarship although this award can only be received once.
Scholarship Criteria
- Planning a future career as a teacher.
- Currently enrolled at SAC and plan to enroll next semester at SAC.
- Have not already received a college degree.
- Minimum of 3.0 GPA.
- Earned 12 or more hours in college.
- Must be working on first degree.
Application Packet:
- Application form.
- Two letters of recommendation: one froma teacher and one from someone familiar with your community and/or campus service or work experience.
- Typed essay explaining why you have chosen to become a teacher.
The Application packet must be complete and delivered in one package in order to be considered for the scholarship bye the DEADLINE
OCTOBER 23, 2008
Pick up an application from Mary Anne Bernal in Gonzales Hall 209-B, or send us an e-mail to: tappatsac@gmail.com and we will send you the attachment.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
TAPP Meeting this Week
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Club Rush Thanks
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Election Results
President: Teresa Rodriguez 100%
Vice President : Sarah Hanson 100%
Secretary: Melissa Del Toro 100%
Tresurer: Jaime Dubey 100%
Executive Assistant: Jennifer Opiela 100%
Historian: Bianca Perez 53.8%
Maria Robles 61.5%
Monday, September 8, 2008
My name is Melissa Del Toro and I am running for TAPP's Secretary. I am a full time student who can not wait to become a full time high school English teacher. I have obtained the desire to be an educator since the very first time I stood in front of a classroom to teach a lesson some four years ago. Teaching is a passion that burns inside of me to help and educate others and it would be no less than a true honor to become secretary so I may give 110% effort to help benefit this organization. I would like to say that TAPPS is a great organization that allows for impressive learning opportunities. I would be thrilled to be elected secretary so that I may have the privilege to provide my hard work and dedication to be utilized in anyway that will help continue the progress of TAPPS.
Looking forward to a great year in TAPP,
Melissa Del Toro
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Friday, September 5, 2008
My name is Teresa Rodriguez and I am seeking the position as TAPP President for the
2008-09 school year. I am a full-time student, wife, and mother of three children. I believe TAPP is a great student organization whose success depends on everyone working together to grow and learn. Teaching is not only a profession it is a calling. If you have chosen to answer that call then you are putting others' success above your own and that is not for the faint of heart-- it is for the courageous. So, let's get to work and make this a memorable year for TAPP. I will be honored to work with all of you be it as president or in any position that you choose to elect me.
Vice President
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
September Meeting
Come and join us!
Let's plan to have a great Fall semester!
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
1st Fall Meeting
Meeting Agenda:
- Officer elections
- Club Rush: member recruitment
- Antojitos Festival
- Student Life Office Funding
- TAPP Scholarship Committee
- Possible semester events
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Gearing Up for Fall '08
Do you want to take full advantage of your TAPP membership in the Fall?
Do you want to stay in the loop with information on scholarships and other opportunities at SAC for future teachers?
Do you want to get more involved with peers working toward the same goals?
Then, come to the TAPP planning meeting for the '08-'09 school year!
Wednesday, June 18
1:00 to 1:50 p.m.
Gonzales Hall Room 128
Come learn about what the group has accomplished (speaker seminars, scholarships, community service, and more) and bring your suggestions for what you would like to see TAPP take on in the coming school year. If you can't come to the meeting, but would like to get more involved this year or would like to consider running for an officer position, please contact Ms. Cruz-Gonzales at ncruz-gonzales@mail.accd.edu or call 210-785-6237. Hope to see you on June 18th!
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
College Days
Monday, April 14, 2008
Fun Fest
Friday, April 4, 2008
Student Life Banquet
Music will be provided by "Fort Pastor". Come and see what SAC stidents have accomplished this year! Sit at the TAPP table and chat about ideas for the club in the Fall.
Each club/organization is invited to submitt 10 names of members that will be attending the Awards Banquet. If you would like to attend, please send us an e-mail to: tappatsac@gmail.com no later than Friday, April 11,2008. First come, first served, so please reply soon.
Hope to see you there.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
TAPP's Top Ten Tips
TAPP’s Top Ten Tips
Future Teachers Should Know
- How do I get an AA in education?
- How do I get scholarships?
- Where should I transfer?
- How can I earn money and experience at the same time?
- How can I connect with other dynamic students and professional educators?
Guest Speakers :
Dr. Terry Walch, Counselor
Debra Sanchez, Read America College Work Study Program
Tuesday April 8 1:45 – 3:00 PM
Wednesday April 9 1:00 – 2:30 PM
Craft Room on the Second Floor
of the Loftin Student Center.
RSVP: Leave tear off or note in
Miss Norma Cruz-Gonzales Box
or e-mail us at:
tappatsac@gmail.com by April 6.
Thank you!!!
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Great News!! NISOD Conference
The Student Fee Committe has approved our trip request and is willing to pay for the majority of the expenses for TAPP members to go to the NISOD conference in Austin in May.
This conference will highlight the latest "best practices" in education.
Our total trip expenses will be over $4000, including the lodging (one night), food, transportation, and registration costs, and all they ask of each participant is to contribute $50. We have space for TWO additional participants, so if you'd like to come, reply to this email AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.
If more than two people reply, we will start a waiting list.
I'll email you back about the payment deadlines and mandatory pre-trip meeting to fill out required paperwork and finalize trip details.
If you know anyone enrolled at SAC and planning to become a teacher, feel free to let him/her know.
Visit the conference website at http://www.nisod.org/conference/schedule.html to see what the sessions are about.
We'll leave from SAC early on Monday, May 26, and return the evening of Tuesday, May 27.
I look forward to hearing from you,
M. Bernal
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
TAPP Meeting Wednesday March 12
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Cheshyre Cheese Club
This is a great opportunity to join with another Student Organizatio here at SAC to make a difference.
If you are interested in attending this meeting, please contact us at tappatsac@gmail.com by Tuesday, March 11th.
Thank you for your paticipation and support!!
Monday, March 3, 2008
Read Across America
Travis Elementary School is hosting an acivity called "Read Across America". TAPP has been invited by Dr. Norma Tyler to participate in this event.
They need TAPP members to read children's books from 8:30 am-12:00pm on Friday, March 7th.
Members who are interested in participating, please reply to this e-mail by Wednesday, March 5th in order for us to be able to submit your names to Dr. Tyler. Please state the time you will be able to go.
If you wish to participate remember to bring a picture ID, like your diver's License for Travis Elementary School to be able to give you a name tag, for the event.
If you have any questions please contact Professor Norma Cruz-Gonzales at ncruz-gonzales@mail.accd.edu or Dr. Tyler at733-1911 TR Monday/Tuesday432-6151 WH Thursday/Friday
If you have to do Service Learning hours your class, please contact your instructor, and ask if this activity would count as part of your hours.
Thank you for your participation!!!
Friday, February 15, 2008
Friday, April 11, 2008 from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM
Lunch on your own at any of the facilities @ UTSA
Transportation is available but space is limited, so call to reserve your seat.
Call for meet up details if you are providing transportation.
To sign up contact:
Sophie Caldera Castaneda
San Antonio College
MCCH 233
TAPP Scholarship
The purpose of the TAPP scholarship is to encourage students seeking careers as teachers and to recognize their commitment and achievements related to this goal. We encourage students to apply for the TAPP scholarship although this award can only be received once.
Scholarship Criteria:
· Planning a future career as a teacher.
· Currently enrolled at SAC and plan to enroll next semester at SAC.
· Have not already received a college degree.
· Minimum of 3.0 GPA.
· Earned 12 or more hours in college.
· Must be working on first degree.
Application Packet:
· Application form.
· Two letters of recommendation: one from a teacher and one from someone familiar with your community and/or campus service or work experience.
· Typed essay explaining why you have chosen to become a teacher.
Application packet must be complete and delivered in one package in order to be considered for the scholarship by the DEADLINE
MARCH 26, 2008
Pick up an application from Mary Anne Bernal in Gonzales Hall 209-B, the English Department in Gonzales Hall 123, or send us an e-mail to tappatsac@gmail.com and we will e-mail the attachment to you.
Saddle Up for the Wild, Wild West Rodeo Roundup!
Student Life is sponsoring a fun event on Wednesday, February 27, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., with food booths and activities (including music, a mechanical bull, and western games).
TAPP will be selling tea and sodas, and we will need volunteers to help out at this, our first fundraiser for the spring!
We need help setting up from 9 to 10 and then selling from 10 to 2.
If you can help for even one hour, we would really appreciate it!
Please let us know what shift you can volunteer for by emailing us at tappatsac@gmail.com or by posting a comment under the post.
We will have a brief member meeting at 1:00 at the booth, so please stop by if you can.
Thanks for your support!
Thursday, February 14, 2008
NISOD Conference
If you wish to participate, please send us an e-mail, or contact Miss Bernal mbernal@mail.accd.edu
For more information about the Conference please visit:
Friday, February 8, 2008
Vote for T.A.P.P. Scholarship Application Questions
We need your help to improve our Scholarship Application. We need to decide which one of these three situational questions include.
Please vote by writing the number of the question you think would be most helpful in the comments under this post or send us an e-mail to tappatsac@gmail.com Please submit your vote by Wednesday, Feb. 13th before 11:00 AM. Thank you for all your help.
Proposed Situational Questions for T.A.P.P Scholarship Application
1. Setting: The hallway outside your classroom.
Time:A few minutes after school has ended.
Person Involved: Betty, the mother of twin students in your class.
Background: Betty dressed the twins alike and is fond of claiming that they are "identical in every way".
Circumstances: You have met Betty in the hallway the day after the twins received back their first graded test.
Simulation: Betty says to you, " I simply cannot believe that my twins did not make the same scores on this test. They studied the same amount of time, they read the same material, and I drilled them together. Excuse my bluntness, but I can only blame you for this discrepancy".
Consider the following in your response:
What is your objective?
What do you say to Betty?
What will you say to the twins?
2. Setting: The school conference room.
Time: The afternoon of parents' conference day.
Person Involved: You and the parents of Jack, on of your students.
Background: Jack has so many absences and tardies that he is in danger of failing.
Circumstances: Jack is bored and under challenged. He has become a behavior problem and it is disruptive in class. Jack has been tested and shown to have an I.Q. of 161. The only accelerated programs available require that the family provide transportation. This is impossible for Jack's parents.
Simulation: Jack's parents are upset and angry at the school. They say that it is the school's responsibility to provide academically appropriate work for their gifted child. They blame Jack's disruptive behavior on you, as his teacher, for failing to meet his needs.
Consider the following in your response:
What are your objectives?
How will you respond to his parents?
Will you accept giftedness as an excuse for absenteeism and tardiness? Why or why not?
What will you say to Jack tomorrow?
3. Setting: Your classroom.
Time: The final class period of the day.
Person Involved: Jennifer, one of your students.
Background: Jennifer often exhibits some behavior problems.
Circumstances: Your students are taking a test.
Simulation: Jennifer begins tapping her pen on her desk in a rhythmic patten, distracting the other students from their work. You look at Jennifer, raising your eyebrows meaningfully, and then she meets your eyes. As soon as you look away, the tapping resumes.
Consider the following in your response:
What are the objectives?
What does Jennifer seem to want?
How do you handle the situation?
Thursday, January 31, 2008
2008 Academic Decathatlon
2008 Academic Decathlon State Finals
Hosted by San Antonio College
What is it? High school students working in teams which include an equal number of “A,“ “B,“ and “C” students, who have worked for months on academic material to compete for college scholarships
What will volunteers do? Serve as Essay Proctors, Speech Judges, or Interview Judges. All training will be done immediately before the event.
Essay Proctors needed Friday, February 29th from 12:15 to 2:15 p.m. at the Omni Hotel (Wurzbach and Interstate 10 W)
Speech and Interview Judges needed Friday, February 29th from
2:30 to 8:45 p.m. at San Antonio College
Test Proctors needed on Saturday, March 1 from 8 a.m. to noon and/or 12:15 to 3:15 p.m. at the Omni Hotel (Wurzbach and IH 10 W).
If you would like to sign up to help these dedicated students, or if you have questions contact Professor Bernal at mbernal@mail.accd.edu (TAPP co-sponsor) or Rick Hopkins at rhopkins@mail.accd.edu (Decathalon coordinator) or 733-2296.
Activities in February
Wednesday, February 13th TAPP Member Meeting at 1:00PM in the Craft Room on the Second Floor of the Loftin Student Center.
Wdnesday, February 27th Wild Wild West Rodeo Round Up, from 9:30 AM to 2:30 PM TAPP will be selling Soda & Ice Tea. Please send us an e-mail to tappatsac@gmail.com with the time you would be able to help us out. Thank you.
Friday, February 29th TAPP will be participating in the Texas Academic Decathalon . For more information please check the section titled as: 2008 Academic Decathalon, Thank you.
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Spring 2008 TAPP Meeting
We have lots of exciting events going on this semester. Come and find out!!!