Friday, September 16, 2011

TAPP 2011 Fall Scholarship Announcement

TAPP sponsors and officers are pleased to announce the
2011 Fall Scholarship for students planning a future career as an educator. Scholarship criteria includes the following:   

  • GPA minimum of 2.5
  • currently enrolled at SAC 
  • plan to enroll at SAC in the spring semester
  • completed a minimum of 12 college hours at SAC
    and/or another college
  • complete a short essay

Email for an application or print the two pages below. Deadline is MONDAY, OCTOBER 10, 2011 @ noon.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

TAPP Minutes 9/14

1. NEWS:  We had a fun icebreaker and Linda announced our new historian is Jorge. Congratulations!
2. FUNDRAISERS:  Volunteers signed up to help at the two fundraisers.
    a.  We need help to cover shifts from 8:30 am to 2 pm at the Antojitos festival on the SAC mall area on Wednesday, Sept. 28.  Please let Linda know if you can volunteer an hour or more of your time selling drinks. Respond at
    b.  Our second fundraiser is Movie Night at SAC on Friday, Sept. 30, we will sell sweet and salty treats to people watching the Green Lantern movie. If you can help at dusk for an hour or two, contact Linda. If you can't help, but would like to donate sodas, candies, or other sweet or salty snacks, drop them off at Ms. Cruz-Gonzales' office next week.
3. FALL SCHOLARSHIP: Voted to award $300 this semester. Applications will be posted soon with the new dates, but you can still use the old form at the blog to apply. The selection committee will be composed of Ana Bermudez (TAPP member) and Professors Gabrillo and Shute (English, Rdg, Ed. Dept). The deadline to apply is October 10 at noon.
4. Community service:  On Wednesday, next week, Sept.21, we will deliver school supplies to Hawthorne School. If you'd like to go, meet at Ms. Cruz-Gonzales' office at 12:30.
5. Possible speaker: Plans are being made for a Saturday meeting to talk to U.S. Congressman Lloyd Doggett about education issues. Let us know if you are interested. More on this as it develops...
6. We are going to look into t-shirts or polos. Linda will be asking about your preferences.
7. Next meeting: Tuesday, Oct. 4, 1:30 (place TBA) and Wed., Oct. 12, 2 pm in GH 133.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Upcoming Meeting

TAPP will be having a meeting next Wednesday, September 14 from 2-3 in the afternoon. The meeting will take place in Gonzales Hall Room 133. Join us as we will be happy to have you! 

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Sept. Meetings

Come to the TAPP planning meeting on Tuesday, Sept.6, 1:30-2:30, in GH 129. Community service, the Fall Scholarship, and Fundraising are on the agenda.  If you can't come Tuesday, join us next week on Wednesday, Sept. 14, from 2-3 p.m. in GH 133. Bring a friend and your ideas!