Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Meetings, Nomination, Fundraisers

Dear Current TAPP Members and Faculty Co-sponsors,

Please make an effort to come by my office Gonzales Hall 131B MWF 11:00-2:00 or T/TR 12:15-2:00 or send me an email at:  ncruz-gonzales@alamo.edu

Even if you were not an active member last year, we would still like to hear from you.  Also, let me know if you are interested in an officer position.  Our V-P, Josey Lopez, from ’09-’10, is willing to help again in that officer position.  Other positions are:  President, Treasurer, Historian, Executive Assistant to the President.  It’s important you email me some facts about yourself and your goals as an officer if you are interested.  I’ll then be able to coordinate the information so that other members may have a chance to vote on officer nominations.  Be aware you can nominate yourself as well as someone else.  We need to have our student officers in place no later than Sept. 12 so that I can send that information to the Student Life Office.

Let me know a good time/day at which MOST of us can meet.  We cannot obviously all be available at the exact time.  In the past we have met usually on Wednesdays 1:00 or 2:00.  We’ve also met on a Tuesday 1:30 and sometimes 2:00.  It would help me to settle on a time and place to meet the week of Sept. 9-13 so that we can make plans for the campus-wide event Hispanic Heritage Week and our first annual fall fundraiser (I think Sept. 25, Wednesday.  I don’t know yet what we’ll be allowed to sale, but I’ll send a message to Student Life, Tyler Archer, asking for more details on the fundraiser.
However, first we need to make sure we have enough members on hand to help us out since the fundraiser runs usually from 8:00a.m. (to set-up) through 2:00p.m. or later (to close-up).  We will need to make sure we have enough people on hand. 


Wednesday, August 4, 2010

FALL 2010

Dear current TAPP members, please begin thinking about nominating yourself or a current member for an officer position. We have some members who were active last year and may wish to retain their previous officer positions, but again we cannot assume they may wish too. Therefore, please send in your own name if you’d like to consider becoming a club officer or would like to continue in the same position for 2010-2011.

The positions are:

President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Historian Executive Assistant to Officers

Also, please consider meeting your faculty co-sponsors the second week of classes Aug. 30-Sept. 3. If any of you will be available for a general organizational meeting in the afternoon (I can meet as early as 12:00 up until 2:15p.m.), please send me an email with a specific time/date on which you can meet. I’ll look forward to hearing from you!

Feel free to contact me at: ncruz-gonzales@alamo.edu

Your faculty co-sponsors would like to hear from you!