Teaching Academy Program Peers Explores careers in education - Connects with other dynamic students -Impacts SAC campus and community - Awards semi-annual scholarships - Interacts with Education professionals - Mentors Students - Informs student transfers to upper-level institutions - Attends professional conferences - Sponsors a speaker series on campus - Performs service projects - Since 1999
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Meetings, Nomination, Fundraisers
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
FALL 2010
Dear current TAPP members, please begin thinking about nominating yourself or a current member for an officer position. We have some members who were active last year and may wish to retain their previous officer positions, but again we cannot assume they may wish too. Therefore, please send in your own name if you’d like to consider becoming a club officer or would like to continue in the same position for 2010-2011.
The positions are:
President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Historian Executive Assistant to Officers
Also, please consider meeting your faculty co-sponsors the second week of classes Aug. 30-Sept. 3. If any of you will be available for a general organizational meeting in the afternoon (I can meet as early as 12:00 up until 2:15p.m.), please send me an email with a specific time/date on which you can meet. I’ll look forward to hearing from you!
Feel free to contact me at: ncruz-gonzales@alamo.edu
Your faculty co-sponsors would like to hear from you!