Thursday, March 27, 2008

TAPP's Top Ten Tips

TAPP’s Top Ten Tips
Future Teachers Should Know

  • How do I get an AA in education?
  • How do I get scholarships?
  • Where should I transfer?
  • How can I earn money and experience at the same time?
  • How can I connect with other dynamic students and professional educators?

Guest Speakers :

Sophie Caldera-CastaƱeda, Teaching Academy Learning Communities
Dr. Terry Walch, Counselor
Debra Sanchez, Read America College Work Study Program

Tuesday April 8 1:45 – 3:00 PM
Wednesday April 9 1:00 – 2:30 PM

Craft Room on the Second Floor
of the Loftin Student Center.


RSVP: Leave tear off or note in
Miss Norma Cruz-Gonzales Box
or e-mail us at: by April 6.

Thank you!!!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Great News!! NISOD Conference

Great News!
The Student Fee Committe has approved our trip request and is willing to pay for the majority of the expenses for TAPP members to go to the NISOD conference in Austin in May.
This conference will highlight the latest "best practices" in education.
Our total trip expenses will be over $4000, including the lodging (one night), food, transportation, and registration costs, and all they ask of each participant is to contribute $50. We have space for TWO additional participants, so if you'd like to come, reply to this email AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.
If more than two people reply, we will start a waiting list.
I'll email you back about the payment deadlines and mandatory pre-trip meeting to fill out required paperwork and finalize trip details.
If you know anyone enrolled at SAC and planning to become a teacher, feel free to let him/her know.
Visit the conference website at to see what the sessions are about.
We'll leave from SAC early on Monday, May 26, and return the evening of Tuesday, May 27.
I look forward to hearing from you,
M. Bernal

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

TAPP Meeting Wednesday March 12

TAPP is holding a meeting on Wednesday March 12th at 1:00 PM in the Craft Room on the second floor of the Loftin Student Center. 

If you are interested in holding a position as TAPP Officer, this is the meeting to go. 

We hope you have time to stop by, hear about our projects for next semester, and more. 

We hope to see you there. 

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Cheshyre Cheese Club

The Cheshyre Cheese Club invited us to their meeting on Wednesday March 12th at 2:00 PM in GH107 to discuss a College Awareness Movement for underpriviledge children locally and abroad that they want to set up.

This is a great opportunity to join with another Student Organizatio here at SAC to make a difference.

If you are interested in attending this meeting, please contact us at by Tuesday, March 11th.

Thank you for your paticipation and support!!

Monday, March 3, 2008

Read Across America

Hello Everyone!!

Travis Elementary School is hosting an acivity called "Read Across America". TAPP has been invited by Dr. Norma Tyler to participate in this event.
They need TAPP members to read children's books from
8:30 am-12:00pm on Friday, March 7th.
Members who are interested in participating, please reply to this e-mail by Wednesday, March 5th in order for us to be able to submit your names to Dr. Tyler. Please state the time you will be able to go.

If you wish to participate remember to bring a picture ID, like your diver's License for Travis Elementary School to be able to give you a name tag, for the event.

If you have any questions please contact Professor Norma Cruz-Gonzales at or Dr. Tyler at733-1911 TR Monday/Tuesday432-6151 WH Thursday/Friday

If you have to do Service Learning hours your class, please contact your instructor, and ask if this activity would count as part of your hours.

Thank you for your participation!!!